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"Halny" ***
1.A. How to get there
1. In advance Information
Detailed wheelchair appropriate “How to get there” and “Getting in” - information Number of wheelchair appropriate rooms: bed, bathroom & toilettes possibly with photo and draft| “Access Statement” if target group is covered
2. Access via public transport
Information about appropriate facilities provided by meeting demands. E.g. are there low floor busses in use, in the region? Where? When? How often? Which directions? Would trains be equipped by ramps? Would railway assistants need to be informed, ahead? How? When?
3. Parking spaces
Min. width ≥350 cm and near to the entrance and identification of parking spaces as “Parking space only for people with handicap”
1.B. Getting in
1. Entry and exit
without stairs | elevator | ramp with inclination ≤ 6 % door: passage width ≥ 90 cm | no rotating door | rotating door and additional passage width ≥90 cm
2. reception
counter or desk at least partly not higher than 85 cm | other possibility for communication while sitting information and products at an adequate height
3. Getting out in emergency information
Detailed wheelchair appropriate information at an adequate height
1.C. Using the facility
1. rooms:
min. 1 single room | 1 double room access: without stairs | elevator | ramp with inclination ≤ 6 % entry and exit: door width ≥ 90 cm circulation space in front of the bathroom: ≥150 cm x ≥150 cm circulation space in front of the passage way to the bed (1 long side): ≥ 150 cm x ≥ 150 cm min. width of circulation space in front of this bedside: ≥150 cm min. width of circulation space besides operator facilities and in front of fitments: ≥ 150 cm min. width of doors and pass ways within the room: x ≥ 90 cm min height to underrun the bed 15 cm
2. Bathroom & toilettes
access: without stairs | stair ≥ 2 cm door width ≤ 90 cm door opens: not into bathroom washstand: circulation space in front: ≥ 150 cm x ≥150 cm min height to underrun the washstand up to 67 cm and min depth 30 cm upper edge max. height 80 cm washstand mirror can be viewed while sitting WC basin: circulation space in front ≥ 150 cm x ≥150 cm circulation space left and right side min. width 95 cm and min. depth 70 cm handles height to left and right side 85 cm (upper edge) handles protrude WC basin to 15 cm (leading edge) interspace of handles 70 cm both handles to be folded upwards and upwards lockable height of the toilet seat 48 cm (top edge) shower: access without stairs circulation space ≥ 150 cm x ≥ 150 cm handles from 85 cm upwards fixed seating: folding chair | chair to be hinged operator facilities besides in height of 85 cm reachable
3. Dining room
access without stairs | elevator | ramp with inclination ≤ 6 % entry and exit: door width ≥ 90 cm
4. Floors
leading to lifts width ≥ 150 cm leading to rooms ≥ 150 cm leading to dining room ≥ 150 cm
5. Lift (if needed)
access: without stairs | elevator | ramp with inclination ≤ 6 % entry and exit: door width ≥ 90 cm size of cabine: width ≥110 cm & lenght ≥ 140 cm operator facilities: horizontal arrangement with min. hight 85 cm to max. hight 110 cm Circulation space in front of the lift: ≥ 150 cm x ≥ 150 cm
2.A Health Services
1. Physiotherapy / therapeutic exercise / massage / wellness ...
contact data list of according providers in the region including those who would offer mobile services (Germany: tip concerning “Hausbesuche” which would need to be notified on according prescription and therefore should be organised before travelling)
2. Dialysis / specified medical care
on request: contact data list of according medical centres in the region
3. General medical care
on request: list of medicals, medical specialists, medical centres in the region centres
2.B. Mobility Services
1. A to B transport skilled for taking in account needs and meeting access requirements of the target group:
in direct co operation with a local taxi / transport company
contact data list of according organisations
2. Individual assistance on request
in direct co operation with a local organisation
contact data list of according organisations
3. Wheelchair Service on request: contact data list of according service providers / centres in the region
3. Wheelchair Service on request: contact data list of according service providers / centres in the region
2.C. Nutrition
1. If meals are served:
Provision of information on variety of diets / special menues offered
2. list of accordingly specified restaurants / caterers / shops
2. list of accordingly specified restaurants / caterers / shops
3. recommended visit of local restaurant meeting the access requirements of the target group:
in direct co operation with the restaurant
contact data list of according restaurants and bars
3.A. Insights into Regional Culture
1. wheelchair appropriate city / sightseeing tour:
in direct co operation with accordingly skilled/specified provider
contact data list of accordingly skilled/specified provider
2. wheelchair appropriate visit of cinema / theatre / museum / gallery ...
in direct co operation with accordingly skilled/specified and assisting provider
contact data list of accordingly skilled/specified provider
3. wheelchair appropriate visit of traditional events, festivals and activities regional cuisine, cooking, dancing, vine tasting, visit of “Traditional Easter” in Greece, “Fastnacht” in Germany, “Ice sculpturing” in Finland etc.
in direct co operation with accordingly skilled/specified provider
list of accordingly skilled/assisting shops
3.B. Experiencing Nature, Sports and Movement
1. wheelchair appropriate nature / wild park tour / sailing tour / horse-drawn carriage tour / a vintage tractor with trailer tour / boat tour / / kayaking etc.:
in direct co operation with accordingly skilled/specified provider
contact data list of wheelchair appropriate walkways / wild parks
2. visit of a regional sports facilities / sports event etc.
in direct co operation with accordingly skilled/specified and assisting provider
contact data list of accordingly skilled/specified provider
3. Visit of thermal bath / spa / swimming pool
in direct co operation with accordingly skilled/specified provider
list of according baths
3.C. Education and Contacts
1. Building contacts to regional self-help group / Making contacts aboard / intercultural experiences(e.g. invitation to the meeting of a local group or thematically focussed ICT training course in direct co operation with members of according self-help groups in diverse regions aboard
in direct co operation with regional self-help group
list of contact persons of according groups / organisations
2. Seminar or lecture on relevant aids concerning e.g. advanced technological developments or legal concerns / Wheelchair training course
in direct co operation with accordingly skilled/specified provider /school / business / aid supplier / consultant/ expert of national or regional elf-help organisation
3. target group oriented ICT training / foreign language / creativity course ... ( addressing target group specified interests e.g. use of ICT / Internet, foreign language thematically focussed to travelling / cooking, creativity focussed on regional handicrafts...)
in direct co operation with provider meeting access requirements of the target group
list of appropriate providers
Spoken Languages
Website - Url:
Detailed Address:
Karpacz, ul. Mickiewicza 10
(0-75) 761 93 63
MIT! - Make it accessible! Promote barrier-free travelling for senior citizens and people with handicaps through innovative marketing strategies based on awareness of specific requirements, needs and active interest in social inclusion 504655-LLP-1-2009-1-DE-LEONARDO-LMP Το σχέδιο αυτό χρηματοδοτήθηκε με την υποστήριξη της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής. Η παρούσα δημοσίευση (ανακοίνωση) δεσμεύει μόνο τον συντάκη της και η Επιτροπή δεν ευθύνεται για τυχόν χρήση των πληροφοριών που περιέχονται σε αυτήν.
The pictogramme series used is based on the publishers: anatom5 perception marketing GbR
and Nationale Koordinationsstelle Tourismus für Alle e.V.
(copyright: anatom5 GmbH in cooperation with Natko) and added by the pics for short guests and guests with low kinetic energy.